PBIS is currently being used by 3138 high schools across 35 states in the U.S., of which 7% of those schools are high schools (Freeman, Wilkinson & Vanlone, 2017). Students who are suspended due to zero-tolerance policies are most often thrusted into the school-to-prison pipeline, which is a national phenomenon that is occurring among students of color, who are being suspended or expelled more often than their white peers (Advocacy & Communications Solutions, 2019). Rommey (2018) asserts that a growing body of research revealed that the through the successful implementation of PBIS within the state of California, school suspension rates and behavior problems have declined. In order to support your school's efforts of implementing PBIS, please see the link below to the following PBIS Resource Manual. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17jvh6O3C4xiOMG-n6EhY1HqVp9gY4ZjpNLll_JNeA_E/edit?usp=sharing