
True Characteristics of a Leader

True Characteristics of a Leader Encourage, empower, and inspire others to succeed and thrive to their fullest potential. Recognize and acknowledge the gifts and talents of all people. Build capacity for growth and create meaningful opportunities for everyone to share their passion. Are culturally competent and sensitive to the needs of all people, including their constituents. Are authentic, transparent, approachable and are nice! Are not gossipers and are quick to disanul the formation of cliques in order to prevent strife and disunity. Are quick to forgive. Have good moral conduct, character and integrity. Seek to provide inclusion in the decision-making processes. Support, follow and demonstrate the vision and mission of their organization. Are not afraid, jealous, intimidated, insecure or threatened by the success of their followers because as leaders, they know who they are, their worth, value, and understand their God given purpose and their WHY. Leaders produce Leaders! Give an...

Dr. Palmer's Perspective on Educational Leadership & Administration

Dr. Palmer's Perspective on Educational Leadership & Administration Podcast is specifically designed for Administrators in K-12 Education to help cultivate innovative professional development venues with the use of 21st Century Technology. The podcast episode also entails successful strategies and tips to employ for Educational Leaders & Administrators. The topics of discussions are as follows: 1. Visionary Leadership 2. School Improvement Leadership 3. Community Leadership 4. Instructional Leadership 5. Organizational & Systems Leadership 6. Professional Learning & Growth Leadership

Equity & Citizenship Advocate

 The following video encompasses the essential components of ISTE Standard:  Equity & Citizenship Advocate

Visionary Leader

 The following video entails the critical components of ISTE Standard:  Visionary Leader

Systems Designer

The following video provides an overview of ISTE Standard:  Systems Designer  

The Connected Leader

ISTE Standard 5 for Leaders, entails the pivotal components of being a Connected Leader with the use of 21rst Century Technology. The following link provides a detailed description of ISTE Standard 5 for Leaders. Link:

The Empowering Leader

The following video is a brief description of ISTE Standard #3/ISTE Sub-Standards: A-E, and how I plan to achieve these standards as an Educational Leader & Administrator.